Papasan1’s Weblog

Look to the Leader from Within weblog

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
A wise soul told me that a woman’s heart should be so close to God we must seek Him to understand her.
I believe I have found the way into the heart of The Creator. It is through the smile of my mother. Finding ways to make her happy have brought me the most contentment in my life and has elevated me into peaceful place’s.


Dear Reader,
The season is changing and the earth is putting on a new garment. Doesn’t it feel good watching this change happen? It’s similar to the feeling you get when you put on a pair of new shoes or a new outfit. But these changes only give you a temporary feeling. The earth will go through another fall and then winter. As well as that pair of shoes will get old along with the outfit. There is a way to experience this feeling all year round, everyday you awaken. Try putting on a new mind. Think new thoughts of yourself and the world every time you wake up. Look at the world through a set of new eyes and you will return to this new feeling at will.

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you will still be among the stars.
Many times we find ourselves measuring our actions against the deeds of others. This could work in opposition to the goals we are are seeking to attain. At times we find ourselves saying “Well at least I’m not as bad off as so and so.” Think about it. If you constantly measure your deeds against those that are more worst than you- you are lowering your expectations of yourself. Instead compare yourself to the best.

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
How do you view the difficulties and/or struggles of life?
From my point of view I look at them a lesson that I need to learn. Either how to get through it or get the best from it. If I make the right decisions than I past to the next lesson of life. If we find ourselves constantly going through the same lesson, maybe there was something we didn’t get the first or second time and we must repeat it until we get it right.

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
The basis for community development is in the improvement of self.
At times the problems that have overcame the world can be immensely trying on the spirit. If you would look at the state of the world, it reflects the spiritual state of the human family. If every human being would be the change they expect to see in the world, the world would change accordingly.


Dear Reader,
You are your best counselor!
Think about it. You can give some great advice at times. Why don’t you start taking some of your own advice. Even go a step further. When you are confronted with an issue, step away from the problem as if it’s happening to someone else. Then sit down and say what advice would I give to this person that has the issue I’m dealing with. You will be amazed how self sustaining you really are!

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
Teaching someone to be humble or courageous and not accompanying this with wisdom, is like sending a soldier into war with a defected weapon. These are both powerful weapon in spiritual warfare, wisdom will teach them when and how to use them so that their soul won’t be slaughtered by the enemy called negativity.

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
Good counselor never gives advice, rather  he helps guide the person into a better decision making process. We all know that right direction to go but sometimes we either lack motivation or reason and a good counselor opens the door that you know is already there. To be a good counselor is to be a great reminder.

Thought for the Day

Dear Self,
We must begin to place our spiritual leaders, teacher, guru’s, sage’s, guides, and reminder’s in correct perspective.
The reminder’s who have been divinely anointed and/or appointed to guide you have been given something directly from The Creator’s energy that has allowed them to awaken you. Just as they have been blessed divinely with the word, you also have been divinely blessed with an understanding of that word. There hasn’t been one guide that has succeeded with out the help of those that believe in the word. You are just as valuable to the message as is he or she that has the message. Never place a leader above you. There is but one above of all and that is the one we all serve.

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
A fools faith is equivalent to a person going to take a test without studying. You were given a book to help you get through the tests of life. You fail them because you refuse to study for it. Open the book, that which should be read, all the answers are there.