Papasan1’s Weblog

Look to the Leader from Within weblog

Archive for Thought for the Day

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
When attitudes become fasten to the heart, belief systems are founded, and from the belief system laws are created. What is your attitude toward yourself? What is your belief system? What is the law in your life?

If you see your self as a creator then your belief system will be based on creating and the creation will become the law of your life.


Dear Reader,
Stop looking at who you are today and remaining stuck there. Instead focus on who you are seeking to become and keep going there. The person you see today is in the beginning stages of a magnificent product. Some qwerks you may need to work out just like any great invention. So never give up on your life long dream. You are your greatest work and the final product will be a perfect reflection of The Creator.


Dear Reader,
Have you ever notice how much you seem to get done when there are time restraints on what needs to be done? The reason it seems this way is based on this. You spend too much time reacting to your fate instead of taking an active role in creating your destiny. Stop waiting until desperation forces you to do what you know you should have done in the first place. Imagine if you applied that energy to everything you wanted in life! Imagine how much you would get done! Imagine how much you would have! Every thing that you imagine may become your reality. Imagine that!!!

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
One of the impediments that hinders your development into your high self is hate. Reason being is this, hate breeds hate. If you remove the thing you have hate for, you will find something or someone else to display this emotion onto. Hate is like holding on to a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone. You wind up getting burned. Instead of hate, rise above the emotion and see what lesson is there to learn from the situation.

Thought for the Day

Dear Readers,
We are at the brink of new age of science, math, and technology. Scientist have connected thought to physical energy. Wow! This is a revelation in our time. Our power of thought is over the inatimate objects that we see. Think about it. If everything we see came from a thought, then what is more powerful? Everything in our physical existence is subservient to thought energy. Now look at those things you “thought” were greater than you. What’s inside you is greater than what you see manifested.


Dear Reader,
The Mind Is Like a Flower; when you are thinking it’s in its budding stage, when you are speaking those thoughts it’s in its blooming stage. When you are acting those thoughts and words out the mind is in its blossoming stage.


Dear Self,
Those that stand for change today will sit in the seat of leadership tomorrow. Those who sit and wait for change to happen today, will sit and wait for change to happen tomorrow.

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
The beauty in finding your purpose is in the manifestation of the gift that was given individually to you. Just uniquely as your finger prints, you were given something to glorify and magnify his presence within you. “Rememberence of The Creator is the greatest force”. Just as phenomenal as the human anatomy and the universe is, He give you science and math to understand them. When you incorporate the principles of service with knowledge, the quest for divinity is infinite. As you adulate you create as you create you live as you live you reverence. Purpose fulfilled!

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
Are the things that upset you really worth sacrificing your happiness for? I think about the things that bother me at times and I wonder, is this something that I should allow to knock me off of my square? Is this something that I should allow to stop me from fulfilling my highest vision? Is this something I should allow to make change my view on life and my direction? The answer to all of these question’s is HECKY NAW! ( NO ) lol. Life is fun, it’s an emotional roll-a-coaster ride but I’m still on it. There is no place I would rather be.

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
A wise soul told me that a woman’s heart should be so close to God we must seek Him to understand her.
I believe I have found the way into the heart of The Creator. It is through the smile of my mother. Finding ways to make her happy have brought me the most contentment in my life and has elevated me into peaceful place’s.