Papasan1’s Weblog

Look to the Leader from Within weblog

Archive for November, 2008

Thought for the Day

Dear Friends,

You become what you know yourself to be. So if you take a look at your life right now that is exactly what you know yourself to be.

So if you want change in your life then you must clearly determine what you desire that change to look like and then begin the process of knowing yourself to be that person. It goes like this. First you are aware of what you want, then start to understand what that looks like, then you begin to believe that you can be that person and finally you know yourself to be the person you have envisioned. You have to believe before you can know. Life is a process.

Thought for the Day

Dear Friends,

Do you know the reasoning behind the saying “It’s all good”? It is a lot more than just a catchy phrase or spiritual fluff. It is the essence of life itself. And it is true. “It’s all good.”

It is all good because there is an on-going and continuous flow of well-being throughout all of life at all times, everywhere. You can allow this flow to be part of your experience or you can resist and even block the flow but the flow doesn’t stop. An example of this is your health. This flow of well being allows optimum physical health. That is your natural state of being. Illness is a symptom that you are blocking the flow in some way. When you stop blocking the flow of well being you will naturally return to optimum physical health. The more you love the more you are in the flow. Go with the flow.

Thought for the Day

Dear Friends,

I like to use this analogy to help me get clear on how the conscious and the unconscious minds work and interacts. Think of yourunconscious mind as if it were a computer. It has the hard drive and does what it is told to do. Think of your conscious mind as if it were software. You use the software programs of your conscious mind by loading them onto the hard drive to do whatever the software tells it to do.

You have to realize that there are all kinds of software programs out there available for your use. Some of them serve you in taking you to where you want to go and some of them do not serve you. Kind of like your belief systems aren’t they. And kind of like your habits, aren’t they? Have you checked your software systems lately? Might want to delete some or update some or buy some really hi grade ones that can help you create your life the way you want it to be.

New Buddha or Nobody?

KATHMANDU (AFP) – A young man who is believed by followers to be a reincarnation of Buddha has returned to Nepal‘s jungles to meditate alone, police said Saturday, as scholars cast doubt on his supporters’ claims.

Known as the “Buddha Boy,” Ram Bahadur Bomjam, 18, became famous in 2005 after supporters said he could meditate motionless for months without water, food or sleep.

“Bomjam went back into the jungle late Friday, and all the devotees have left,” local police officer Gobinda Kushwaha told AFP from Neejgad, a town in Bara District, 60 kilometres (37.5 miles) south ofKathmandu.

The “Buddha Boy” reappeared earlier this month, after his supporters had said in March 2007 that he was going to meditate for three years in an underground bunker, although he was spotted on two occasions.

For the last 10 days, he has been blessing thousands of devotees who came daily to the site in dense jungle close to Neejgad.

The president of the Nepal Buddhist Council said claims by his supporters that he was a reincarnation of Siddartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, were not credible.

“We do not believe he is Buddha. He does not have Buddha’s qualities,” said Mahiswor Raj Bajracharya, president of the Nepal Buddhist Council, a centre for Buddhist study and research in Kathmandu.

“He may have achieved great heights in meditation, but that alone does not make him a Buddha. A Buddha needs life experience, a young man who has not seen the world at all cannot be a Buddha,” said Bajracharya.

The head of the committee that organises events around Bomjam continues to claim that he survives without food and water.

“We have never seen him eat or drink and we believe he is a god in human form,” said Bed Bahadur Thing, president of the Buddha Jungle Meditation Conservation and Prosperity Committee.

At the height of his fame a French TV crew filmed the youth eating fruit and an AFP correspondent caught him napping.

Thought for the Day

Dear Friend,
One of my favorite sayings is, “The teacher teaches that which they desire to know.” My other favorite is, “When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”
It never ceases to amaze me that “Life is a Process”. It is a never ending process and just because you think you absolutely know something as your truth doesn’t mean that you will use it in every circumstance. I often read my own thought’s for the day tell myself that I would serve myself better by doing what I am telling others. Not that I am that far off, but I like to stay in alignment with my highest vision.

Thought for the Day (Radio In The Head)

What are you tuned into? What station are you on? What is constantly replaying inside your head? Have you ever heard a song on the radio you actually hated but heard it so much you start liking it? Before you knew it you were humming the tune, maybe singing along.

Your thoughts is the music of your life. Every thought has a programming effect, sort of like the radio station you are listening to. As you listen to a song over and over again you become programmed by it. Either by a conscious decision or unconscious.  It’s the same with your thinking. If you keep playing certain thoughts over and over again whether they may be positive or negative you will began to like the thoughts you have been replaying. But all thoughts do not serve a progressive purpose in your life. So tune into what will serve you and move you in a forward direction.

Thought for the Day

How often do you ask for guidance during the day? Many of us were raised to believe that we had to fend for ourselves and it is a sign of weakness to ask for help or guidance. I no longer believe in that paradigm. In fact I believe in quite the opposite.
We can all use some guidance as we travel this adventure called “Life on Planet Earth.” There are so many good mentors out there who have already done what we would like to do. These mentors love to share their experiences for our benefit. We also have many spirit guides who are with us at a moments notice. Literally a moments notice because they are instantaneously available whenever we call on them. The guidance may not come in the form of a conversation so it is up to you to understand how you can best utilize their wisdom. Seek, ask for and be grateful for this guidance.

Thought for the day

Life responds to your outlook about it. You must expect to succeed if you really desire to succeed.

Expectation is a powerful part of the creative process. When you expect things to happen, strangely enough they begin to happen. It is a powerful emotional aspect of creating because it energizes your goals and gives them momentum. Expectation tells the universe that you believe in your innate powers of creation and the universe responds accordingly. You are a powerful creator.

Strongest man on earth

This man has the power of 260 horses. His father had the power of 840 horses. I must note that 360 healthy man equals the strength on 1 horse. Real life incredible hulk.

Thought for the Day

Dear Reader,
Do you know the true secret about creating a grand vision for yourself? The secret is in the freedom it allows you to be you. 
Here is how the secret works. When you create a grand vision of how you want your life to “be” you can give up the “hows” of getting there. Once you create the vision all you have to do is focus on the vision and let the universe figure out the “hows”. This frees you up to just focus on being the “you” that you see in your grand vision. You can go ahead and start being that person right away and just let the universe fill in the blanks. Trust that it will. Wow, talk about freedom.